Thursday, August 25, 2005

Srila Prabhupad's Vyasa Puja on 28.8.05

Inviting all disciples,devotees,well wishers and friends to this most important event of the year.
Srila Prabhupad our eternal Spiritual Master's transcendental appearance day celebration falls immediately after Lord Krishna's birthday on Sunday 28th August 05.
It is said that no one can obtain Lord Krishna's mercy without going through a Bona-Fide Spiritual Master.It is undoubtedly agreed that Srila Prabhupad is a very powerful and pure representative of Lord Krishna.In fact it can be said that he is a saktya vesha avatar of the Lord.It would be rather inappropriate not to honour such a Special servant of the Lord with all due worship as the Lord Himself.
Celebration to start from with abisekha, arati,puspanjali, reading out written offerings in praise of Srila Prabhupad and finally prasadam.
There would be a Cultural Program with drama,dances etc in the evening from onwards.Please do not miss this out.