Sunday, September 19, 2010

Vyasa Puja '10 - Festival Report


The day following Janmashtami was Srila Prabhupad's Vyasa Puja. Grand celebrations for organized for this festival also. Celebrations included Mahabhishekam, kirtan, homages from disciples and not to forget the wonderful prasadam! 108 delicious preperations were offered to Srila Prahbupada on the day!
This particular day being the appearance day of the Spiritual master is much more important for all the disciples than Janmashtami itself. Many people fail to understand the importance of this day. It is to be understood that without the help of the Spiritual master, there is no question of understanding Krishna. Therefore it is mandatory for every disciple to submit a written offering to Srila Prabhupada expressing their gratitude, as ordered by Srila prabhupada.
On the occasion, Sri Krishna Mandir also released their book - Vyasa Puja '10, which is a compilation of wriiten offerings from all those people whose lives were changed by Srila Prabhupada. Devotees were given the oppurtunity to read out their offerings in front of the beautifully decorated Prabhupada Murti. Sumptuous prasadam was served, which marked the end of the program.