Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Radhastami 2008 Report

Hare Krsna to one & all!

Yesterday, we have concluded the Radhastami festival. It went on very well. The temple room was exquisitely decorated with flowers. At noon, we had a Puspanjali for Srimati Radharani and a special Prasadam feast was served to the devotees and attendants. We had a special program in the evening too!

The highlight of the program was the initiation ceremony. Five devotees have taken vow to become disciples of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada with the full blessings of all the Vaisnavas present. 

The initiates were: Sridhara Dasa, Saksi-Gopala Dasa, Prahlada Bhakta Dasa, Radha Ramana Dasa & Anuradha Devi Dasi.

It is very heartening to see that the above-mentioned five people have taken up the path of Bhakti Yoga in all seriousness on such an auspicious occasion as Radhastami.

This was followed by another feast for the devotees and attendants of the ceremony.

With that we would like to conclude this post. Thank you for all your support once again.