Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Kartik Vrata - Damodhara Month 18th of October 05

Come this 18th will be the beginning of the most auspicious month of Damodhara.All devotees take extra pennace of fasting from urad Dahl and performing various austerities like doing extra rounds and eating frugally to increase their devotion to the Lord.In this month, devotees offer lighted lights and sing the Damodharastaka to lord Damodhara both morning and evening to obtain special mercy.
To glorify the Lord congregationally at the temple, in the association of the vaisnavas is most purifying.Most devotees take this time of the year to go to Vrndavan to perform their vrata there but for those who cannot then the temple which Srila Prabhupad claim as non different is equally the same.So please take advantage of the special mercy.Hare Krsna Lord Damodhara Ki Jaya.